
Journey Groups | Blended Family

Blended Family is available at the Sunnyvale Campus on Tuesday nights for the Fall 2024 semester. Groups start at 6:30pm and end at 8:30pm. The fall semester start date is 8.20.24. Depending on demand, there may be Blended Family groups available in Forney & Kaufman.

Please feel free to join anytime throughout the semester. Reach out to us at journeygroups@clifec.com with any questions.

Street Address::
City/State/Zip Code::
Which location do you plan to attend? (We are filling the SV group first, and will potentially open up additional groups at Forney and Kaufman). Please indicate in comment box if a different location would be better for you.
*Emergency Contact Name (only to be used in the event of a true emergency)::
*Emergency Contact Phone Number::
*Would you like to register an additional person who will be attending with you?:
Registrant #2 Name/Cell Phone/E-mail::
Briefly describe why you are interested in attending this class::
How did you hear about Journey Groups?:
Would you like to be notified prior to the start date of the next group? :
What is your preferred contact method?:
Additional comments or questions::

connecting people to God and one another

Contact Us

Mailing address:
204 FM 1641
Forney, TX 75126


© 2023 Community Life Church | Forney - Sunnyvale - Kaufman - Rockwall - Canton